Saturday, April 20, 2013

Howdy Partner!

Howdy blog-readers!

As I am typing, I'm feeling the guilt of me going down on my word of writing weekly about my preschool experiences.  But let's face it: life happens. Things get in the way. And as much of a scheduled and routined person as I am, spontaneity and the busyness of life are what makes life LIFE.  So I want to apologize for not blogging for the past few weeks...but then again, I'm not that sorry because enjoying quiet Saturday coffee mornings and road trips with my Tony are a bit more important than maintaining my blogging routine :)

Back to Preschool Talk!
I noticed that my last blog was from March 29!  Holy cow... SOOO much of my and Amy's class has changed since then!
  • We switched our classroom arrangement all around, creating a less distracting atmosphere for groups and circle-time and also creating the illusion of more space in the room.  Even though this physical change was triggered by the push to help just one student, it ended up being a very positive long-term change for everyone!
  • Our PUB student was asked to leave of classroom, which left us with very mixed emotions.  It was definitely the right decision for the better of the 18 other students, but we also wanted so badly to help this one child.  It ended up being much more than what we at the school could help change within the little one's life... As positive of a change this was to our classroom atmosphere as a whole, I hope this child gets the productive help he needs to change his life for the better.  I know I'll never forget this child.
  • I started testing for conferences! It's definitely a lengthier process than testing toddlers because the preschoolers can perform so much more.  I wish I was already a year into my teaching career, so I had tricks up my sleeve already to be able to test my kids more efficiently... but I don't yet.  I need to keep reminding myself that I will get there!  Stop being such a perfectionist, Anne! Grrr! 
  • I'm finishing up writing my conference testing notes for each student today, and I have my first ever preschool parent-teacher conferences this coming Tuesday!  I'm excited to actually sit down with the parents for more than 30 seconds to talk about their child, so it'll be an awesome opportunity to connect with each family a bit better.
  • This is probably the most stressed I've been since starting my first few weeks.  Assessing the kids, noting all their progress the past 2 months, preparing curriculum for the coming weeks, implementing current week's curriculum, keeping up with all the paperwork, and figuring out everything for my first preschool graduation: it's a bit of a load right now. Just keep breathing. Everything can't be done in one day, but everything WILL GET DONE :) I just need to remember to not show my stress in front of the kids, and just have fun with them!  And that can be a de-stressor in itself!
Alright, on to our awesome, RODEO ROUND-UP week!  Yee-haw!
Even with the lovely April spring snowstorm, we managed to have rootin' tootin' time! Check out our fun pictures from our cowboy/cowgirl photo shoot and our cucumber/toothpick (cactus) project!

I wish I could post our rodeo photo-shoot pictures, but I can't put up pictures of the kids publicly :(
They were all ADORABLE little cowboys and cowgirls!

(Little boy feeling a little sad during muscle-room time.  Little girl comes over with her friend to make him feel better.)
Little Girl: "It's okay, Henry! We're nice mermaids, and we help boys!"

(table discussion during snack-time)
Another Little Girl: "I was at home watching the baby being borned!  And during the show, they had to cut the mommy's tummy to get the baby out!"
All Kids at Table: ("Woooooah!" "Ewww!" "Owwwy!")
(during same snack-time table discussion)
Little Boy: "Hey, did you know that we were all in our mommy's belly before we were born?"
Anne: "You're right, that's where people come from when they're babies!"
Little Boy: "But you know what? I THINK that after I was in my mommy's tummy, I had to come out of here (points to privates) on my mommy.  But I don't know how THAT happens!!!"

I am sooooo not ready to have a Birds & Bees talk with a 5-year-old...