Thursday, May 23, 2013

My favorite food Mommy makes is... MAC & CHEESE! (And other Mother's Day stories)

Okay, I know it's way past Mother's Day.  I'm over it.  I desperately want to make time now to get this post up for your (and my) enjoyment, so let's get past the fact that Mother's Day was over too weeks ago...
We want to celebrate our moms all year long anyway, right?! Right!

Mother's Day was such an exciting week for my preschool kiddos!  Wednesday is our show-n-tell day, when we normally bring in an item that begins with our letter of the week.  Instead, we decided to bring in a photo or an item that remind us of our mom.  When I explained the idea to the kids, one boy got so excited that he declared to everyone that he wanted to bring in a picture of mommy and daddy's wedding day!  So the next day, guess what we had... definitely 5 or 6 wedding photos because other kids loved the idea so much!  It makes me happy when I see them get so involved and thrilled about what they're doing at school :)

Muffins with Mom!
Friday was our big "Muffins with Mom" celebration, where the moms got to come in to have some morning time at school with their preschooler.  We made a "Mommy Gallery" showcasing our portraits hung from the ceiling that we painted of our moms.  Portraits were done first by choosing a skin color, painting facial features and hair, and then placing on some earring stickers.  On the back of the portraits were some sentences I asked the kids to complete all about their moms!  It was an absolute hit!

 After all the mommies gathered into our room, the kiddos all stood up in in the middle of the room like a stage and sang!  They were so proud and practiced so hard to sing a few special songs for their moms! I wish I could post the video of their beautiful voices because it almost brings me to tears... and I'm not even a mom!

We sang, gave hugs, and then it was time for some MUFFINS!  Fun and tasty treats were had by all.  When it was time to part with their moms for the rest of the school day, each child gave a special Mother's Day present... a "Cooking for Mommy" cookbook!  Inside the front cover that they made, it says:

Cooking For Mommy! 

We thought of our favorite food that our mommies make for us.  Then we wrote down our recipes, just in case you ever forget!
(and here they are, in no particular order)

Mac & Cheese
Get mac and cheese.  Bake it.  Put it in the oven.  It stays in there for 2 minutes.  Then it's done, and you can eat it!
PB & J
Get the bread out and get the crust off.  I don't like the crust, so cut it off.  And also put the peanut butter and jelly on.

The pizza workers roll the dough first.  Then make it into a circle.  The put special things on it.  Then have the pizza cut.  And also get a tattoo with it.

Mac & Cheese
Put cheese and butter on the noodles.  Then make them hot, and put them in the microwave for 10 minutes.  They are super hot, so you have to blow on them.  Then you eat them!

Chicken & Rice & Beans
Get the rice and beans.  The chicken comes in a bag.  Cook it in the oven-wave for 5 minutes.  Then you eat it!

Mac & Cheese
Put the noodles in the pot.  Then cook the noodles and put the cheese on.  Then eat it!

Cheese Pizza
Put it in the oven.  After the oven, you eat it!

Buy dough.  Cook it.  Then eat it!

Chocolate Chip Muffins
Get flour and oil.  Put muffins in the oven.  Wait 7 minutes.  Take them out of the oven.  Then play with me when the muffins cool down.  We eat them!  If Daddy's not there, save him one muffin.

Corn Dogs
Get corn dogs from the fridge.  Get the buns.  Use your hands to eat it.  If it's a corn dog, you dip it in the ketchup!

Get the noodles at the store.  Make them with the oven.  You have to wash your hands before you start.  You have to eat them now.

Nutella Sandwich
So first you get the bread, and then you take the Nutella.  And you put the bread over it.  You can fold it or cut it or anything!  You can just eat it!  You don't do anything more!

Pepperoni Pizza
Put it in the oven for 10 minutes.  Put the pepperoni on it.  Then you get to eat it!

Mac & Cheese
Get the water.  Put in the mac and cheese.  The water disappears.  And then you get to eat it!

Homemade Mac & Cheese
Take real cheese and milk.  Put ham in the mac and cheese.  Then take the peas and put them in there.  Then cook it.  And then Mommy cooks something for herself.

Put them in the pan.  Then give me a cookie!

Roasted Apples
Cook them and put brown sugar on them  Cut and slice them.  Then we can eat them.

Hot Dogs
Burn it and put it in the oven.  Take it out.  Put ketchup on the hot dog.  Put hot dog bread on it.  Eat it!

Peanut Butter, Banana & Jelly Sandwich
Well, first you buy the bread.  And then you get 2 pieces of bread.  Sometimes you put jelly on it.  And then you put peanut butter on it.  And then bananas.  And then you put the other bread on top.  Cut the crust off before I eat it!

Mac & Cheese
Well, it has cheese and milk in it.  Put the milk in there first.  And then you get the cheese.  You roll up the noodles.  Then you mix it.  And then the milk turns the mac and cheese color!

One of the best moments of the week was seeing how proud the kids felt when they were singing to their moms!  And also seeing the delight on moms' faces when their child handed them the cookbook!  Lots of work to put everything together, but so worth it!