I'm so happy to say that I am about to start on my teaching journey that I've wanted since leaving my Kindergarten class during student-teaching! While gaining experience over my time with my toddler classroom, I finally get to put more of my skills and education to use as a preschool teacher! It's not the journey I expected to have after my graduate year at the U, but I can definitely say that my patience and hard work have paid off!
As some know, I love the toddler-age group that I worked with but struggled to enjoy the repetitive uncontrollable aspects that took place daily. The diapers, potty issues, biting problems, help with getting outdoor gear on/off, and destroying classroom books/toys... I could go on and on. Those kids are the cutest things, but all these other aspects added up day after day. I saw my co-worker's love and patience for those kids live on through these extra aspects of the classroom, and my love and patience grew thinner and thinner. That's when I knew my time for a change was now! As much as I enjoyed my co-workers, the kids and their families at the Cradle Club, I knew that my toddler teaching position was not making me happy and needed to look elsewhere for a chance at happiness and job satisfaction.
I closed a door. And like they say, a window opened. It wasn't a window that I expected to open, though! All I can say is that showers of blessing were poured on me through this window. Since my completion of school at the U, all I've wanted is a classroom of young elementary learners that I can help mold and grow and learn at their full potential. I've been granted this opportunity! Not at a brand new, unfamiliar place. At the Cradle Club! My thanks and happiness are unending, and I'm beyond excited to get started! I've been reading up on my old books and notes, and I've been pinterest-ing NON-STOP since being offered this opportunity! I can't wait to learn more about these kids and be with them 40 hours a week!
If you couldn't tell, I CAN'T WAIT TO GET STARTED! Let's get going! :)
When I started my first preschool or elementary job, I told myself that I would start a blog to track my ups and downs... my teaching rollercoaster! So, here we go!
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